MUYSC is an end-to-end Python-based simulation framework for carrying out fast muography studios of geological structures. With MUYSC user can estimate:

  • Muon flux at the observation place
  • Rock thickness
  • Traversing muon flux
  • Telescope parameters: angular resolution and acceptance
  • Observation times
  • Muon transmission
  • Telescope muon counting

The code repository is found in (Github). More detaills about the MUYSC code in MUYSC: an end-to-end muography simulation toolbox.

Instrument parameters

MUYSC estimates parametes of muon telescopes as acceptance and angular resolution depending on the number of pixels, pixel area, and separation distance between detection panels.

Muon Radiography

MUYSC computes muograms of any geological structure using semiempirical muon flux and energy loss models.

Muon Tomography

MUYSC reconstructs 3-Dimensional density distribution from several 2-Dimensional muograms recorded around the geological object.

MUYSC is in the Beta version and it will be released under the creative commons license.